By the middle to late 20th century, the world learned of the horrors of communism. It had lost not only the economic argument, but the moral one. Still, there were those that couldn’t give it up. Why? Because they didn’t care about the facts. They had faith.
They’re communists.
This story is a long one – one that I and many others have been detailing for some time in writing, podcasts, interviews, and speeches. This message isn’t meant to give you that full story, or even convince you of the validity of it. This message is meant to appeal to your curiosity so you can begin to ask yourself your own questions. Consider this an appeal to emotion.
Karl Marx didn’t develop an economic theory. He developed a religious doctrine. Reading his Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 reads like a bible, although inverted and twisted in every conceivable way. It offers a complete view of the nature and purpose of Man and the Universe, covering everything from our genesis, the Fall of Man, exodus, and a prophetic vision of the divine savior and the promised land.
If you are religious, Marx’s theology competes with yours. If you’re not religious, Marx’s theology demands you be. Marx’s religion is communism, and his theology knows itself to be the roadmap to the solution that is “the riddle of History solved.”
There’s a reason why over 100 million people have died trying to make communism work. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot weren’t working with an economic theory. They were working with faith – a faith in the prophecy of communism. Marx’s theology convinced these wicked men that Man is God; that men can remake Man in his own image.
You see, when Marx spoke of “seizing the means of production,” he was only superficially talking about factories and land. The deeper point was this: seizing the means of producing Man. Marx believed we could become conscious of the fact that we are God, and need only remember that we are God to recreate our kingdom here on earth.
We are not God and can never be God. So, when we act as God and attempt to alter the nature of reality, we fall into what can only be described as hell. Lenin and the rest of the wicked Reds took it on faith that capturing society would allow them to forcibly change Man’s nature; forcibly change our attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and purpose. Rather than living as individuals with the liberty to seek their own faith (or lack thereof) and purpose, those that fell under the boot of communism were meant to fold into a collective where everyone worked “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”
We cannot realize we are God if everyone doesn’t go along with the program, so those who wouldn’t adopt the new faith were shot. Everyone else was expected to take it on faith that the stomach pains would subside if they just tried harder to make communism work. “Those are our stomach pains, comrade. We’re all in this together!” Millions starved to death in the cold darkness that is Marx’s prophecy.
By the middle to late 20th century, the world learned of the horrors of communism. It had lost not only the economic argument, but the moral one. Still, there were those that couldn’t give it up. Why? Because they didn’t care about the facts. They had faith.
The faith at the heart of communism is a faith in conflict. Marx believed conflict drives History forward. Conflict provides the tension in the spring, and each time a conflict is resolved the spring jettisons us closer to the promised land. Then, the spring must be set again, and new conflict must develop to prime us for another leap through History.
"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed.” Marx, The Communist Manifesto
Because conflict is the engine of their faith, Marxists not only welcome conflict but they strive to create it. They draw harsh dividing lines wherever they can, hoping for conflict to rear its head between opposing forces that can load the spring. Conflict fuels the car, and only when we reach the end of History with all conflicts resolved can we disembark because we’ve exhausted our fuel supply.
The communists of today have new tools to generate conflict. You’ve heard about them. Critical Race Theory is meant to drive conflict between racial groups. Postcolonial theory is meant to drive conflict between the West and everyone else. Queer Theory is meant to drive conflict between the anything considered normal and legitimate and everything else. Postmodernism is meant to drive conflict between “your truth” and “my truth.” Marxists created these theories, applying Marx’s basic formula to new, more targeted domains. At the end of the day, all that is important is that there is an oppressor and an oppressed; all that is important is that we find ourselves in conflict.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is the framework created by Marxists to impose their faith on others. Diversity means “diverse in regard to the oppressor and his worldview.” So, if we’re dealing with Critical Race Theory, “diversity” means being diverse when compared not only to white people, but their sociocultural private property – “whiteness” – and their “white supremacist” ideology. Larry Elder was named the “black face of white supremacy” because the Marxists don’t care about his “diversity.” He doesn’t believe as they do, so he doesn’t count as diverse. Equity means “forcing equality of outcome between oppressor and oppressed.” The evidence for this point is overwhelming. “Equity,” as VP Harris has said, “means we all reach the same place. And inclusion means “excluding the oppressor and his worldview.” James Damore was fired for saying that “men and women are, on average, different.”
The goal of DEI programs is to accommodate Marxist faith while pushing out anyone who can’t be converted. That’s why, wherever you find DEI, you find an ideological echo chamber that generates conflict to identify dissenters that can be harshly punished. Wherever you find DEI, you find Critical Race Theory, Postcolonial Theory, Queer Theory, and the rest. This should concern everyone, because DEI has penetrated all aspects of society, championed by our most prestigious institutions, titans of industry, and presidential hopefuls.
Conflict drives the Marxist faith. Why is it that Harris and Walz appear to be drawing a lot of lines? White vs. black. Men vs. women. Straight vs. “LGBTQIA+”. American citizens vs. illegal immigrants (rebranded to “migrants.” – weird!). Democracy vs. “our democracy”? Why do they support DEI? Why do they say that equity is about us all reaching the same outcome? What influence did Kamala’s father, a well-known Marxist, have on her? What did Walz learn and study while in China? Why do their speeches sound like sermons? Why does Harris say we must “stay woke”?
Consider, for a moment, that they’re communists. 21st-century communists aggressively pursuing the highest office in the land, giving us a good look at the new face of an old faith. If your religious, the Marxist faith wishes to forcefully convert you. If you’re not religious, the Marxist faith wishes to forcefully convert you. This is a spiritual battle, whether we’re spiritual or not.